Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Goals for January

I was told by someone that it is better to have goals and not reach them than have no goals. She was talking about how your goals might change, but that should discourage you from making them. I tend to agree that I do better when I have a list or goals. It worked great with my reading goal for 2013. Then my smart sister at theanticsofthethree22nds decided to do a monthly goal instead of a year goal. I loved that idea as well so I am posting a small list of goals for this month. 

 Workout 4x a week
       Run 10k outside a week

 Devos daily
 Read 4 books
     At least 1 non-fiction book
Study Thai 4 times a week (4 hours)

Finish Photo-book for 2nd year in Thailand (school year 2012-2013)
Newsletter/Prayer letter
Figure out what I am doing with my life :)
Agape paperwork
8 blog posts
Organize photos on computer
Dentist appointment- make and go

1 fun outing with friend(s) a week
3-4 Skype calls to friends in other places

There are more things I will/should be doing...but these are the major ones and things that I often struggle with doing. There are also somethings that should have been finished months ago!

1 comment:

  1. I love "figure out what I'm doing with my life". That one is on my goal list pretty much every year. :-)
