Tuesday, October 2, 2012


In Brasil we didn't have signs in English. Portuguese is a little easier to learn how to read, so it wasn't as hard after you learned alittle Portuguese.
 Here in Thailand many signs are in both Thai and English, of course sometimes you wonder who did the translating :) I can laugh about it because I probably sound just as confusing when I try to speak Thai! 
Enjoy just a few of  the signs around my neighborhood...

Hmm.... very interesting and a great way to actually make people STOP at the stop sign...just to look at the sign :) Usually people don't really stop at stop signs....

The poor neighborhood guards must have gotten tired of people laughing, taking pictures, and talking about the sign, because not more then two days later they had covered up the English part of the sign. Then a day later we got this new sign as seen above...

Well, Chiangmai eyebrow beautiful House, sounds very interesting... we have yet to go there, but I really want to see what it is like! I also love how they capitalize house! 

I will be on the look out for more fun signs...


  1. I'm glad to see they changed the sign. I'd still be trying to figure out what they were trying to communicate!

  2. Love these! I wonder if it's a house that makes your eyebrows beautiful or if the house has beautiful eyebrows...you'll have to keep us posted!
