Monday, December 16, 2013

Christmas Songs...

These songs make me laugh and cry at the same time! WHY do they play them on the radio over and over again?!? 
They are not in any order...but enjoy listening to them again and again if you would like.

Christmas Shoes I really don't think I need to say anymore about this song. Just read what Jon Acuff at Stuff Christians Like says about it.

I am so glad there is a song called Christmas Makes Me Cry it makes Christmas away from home that much more enjoyable. Seriously, why do I want to sing a song (or listen to one) about crying at Christmas. I don't care if they are tears of joy, faithfulness, or hope...don't sing about them.

Why are we asking Where's the Line to See Jesus? We should know the answer- You don't have to wait in a line at the mall to see Jesus! The first time I heard this song I waited and waited for them to somehow say that important truth. Oh they do say how important Jesus is...which I agree with, but I would like them to at least mention that you don't need to wait in a line to talk to Jesus. I can talk to Jesus anywhere I would like at anytime I would like without going to the mall. I am not going to wait in a line to take a picture with someone dressed up as Jesus. Stepping off of my soapbox now- about that song anyway.

I just heard The Day After Thanksgiving by Brandon Heath. I really like Brandon Heath, but this song should be sang as a joke and not a "true" song. I don't mind the idea behind it and I don't decorate before Thanksgiving, but really- a whole song on the subject?! And they play it on K- Love?! That is going a little too far.

What are some of the songs that make you want to cry for all the wrong reasons?! 
Feel free to disagree with me as well. 


  1. I read that post about Christmas Shoes a few weeks ago and at the time I didn't think I knew a song called Christmas Shoes. Then the next day I heard it... Oh yeah, THAT song. It should be in a Dickens story about other little urchins. "Please sir, may I have some more? And could you throw in some shoes?"

  2. Haha! I love the list. I'd never heard the Day After Thanksgiving before now, it's probably the most tolerable of the group, but I agree, a weak premise for an entire song. The others should be permanently banned from existence.
