Here I am in the second country I have lived in and trying to learn another language
(1st two attempts didn't go so well...Spanish and Portuguese)...
3rd times a charm right!?!?!
the girl who could barely learn English...
the girl with the memory and speech troubles as a kid
the one who is tone deaf, but the blessing is a true talent of singing off key!
Yes, I am that girl and now I am trying to learn a tonal language....
high tone, low tone, falling tone, rising tone, mid tone...
can't you hear it...
it wasn't falling- it was rising...
does it matter?
well, do you want a tiger or shirt at the market---
I have to make connections...
something I can relate to...
something that fits with what I know...
I need to make it a game...
see it...
hear it....
say it...
So here is your first tai lesson from me :)
I can't read tai so I am learning tai phonetically...
pii (falling tone) saao (rising tone)= older sister
it is pronounced "pee sow"
it took me awhile to stop laughing every time I called my sisters "sow"
muu (with lines through the uu)= pork
it is pronounced "moo"
ok so I just think cows say "moo" but it really means pork (pig)
sua (with line through u and rising tone)= tiger
sua (with line through u and falling tone) = shirt
just remember that if you saw a tiger you would probably raise your voice and end with an aaaahhhhhh
aa chiip (falling tone)= occupation
sounds just like "a sheep"
at least it sounds like that to me :)
bplaa= fish
sounds like "blah" and I agree I don't really like eating fish
Hope you learned something today by reading "learn tai-Karla's way"
Stay toned for another lesson in a month or two :)