Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Segway tour

My mom has always wanted to go on a segway, so I was excited to learn that we could do it in Thailand! I thought it would be a fun, easy, and different way to see the moat. Of course going on roads with motorbikes, bikes, tuk tuks, cars, trucks, etc...doesn't give you lots of time to pay attention to the sights :) We got around ok and did manage to see some interesting things along the way. We had tour guides (traffic helpers ,etc) who took us around the area and we stopped to look at temples, etc. They also included a yummy treat at a local coffee shop. 

Waiting for traffic to clear before going down a side street....

Listening to our guide

facts about the area
Yes, we didn't just stand on them the whole time...the other guy just never got pictures of us moving :)

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