Thursday, May 24, 2012

An Early Birthday Party

Yes, I got to celebrate my birthday over a month early with Kruu Meow (our Thai teacher) and Tami!
We had a wonderful time....
Tami wanted to eat at a Pizza Hut in Thailand before she left CM so....we did:)

Yes, would you like some ketchup on your pizza? I can't remember what Meow is holding up?!
After Pizza Hut we headed to the "Pink Tea House"
Look at that fancy tea! I am not a huge tea drinker...but on a hot day this cold tea was great!
I had Chiang Mai Tea and it kind of tasted like a flower:)

Happy Birthday to me!!!

Our dessert tray...
What a cute little cake....

Our amazing Thai teacher telling us about Quentin:)
We helped her with the interview questions for her wedding shower at school...

I am so thankful that God blessed me with these two amazing girls to study, learn from and have fun with this year! I am going to miss them!


  1. i am going to miss you very much too ! -Meow

  2. btw, i was holding the chili powder.

  3. Glad we get to celebrate your real birthday with you!
