Wednesday, June 25, 2014


I feel like I am slowly getting adjusted to my summer "schedule" which really is no schedule at all! 

I got back to the US less then 3 weeks ago and I have...
been in 4 states,
attended a family reunion,
a funeral,
3 graduation open houses,
a wedding,
many little league games,
helped pick over 40lbs of strawberries,
helped make 12 batches of Strawberry jam,
finished my photo album from the 2012-2013 school year,
spent time with friends and family,
attended continuing ed workshops,
gotten lost driving....

Things I have not done....

cleaned my room,
updated my blog,
figured out what to do with my life,
run for more than 10 minutes at a time,

In the meantime....if you would like to learn a little about my family's trip go to my sister's blog- 
The Antics of the Three 22nds and their sisters she has put up two posts so far about our trip!

Monday, June 9, 2014

Finished things in May?!

May Goals?! 
I actually have no idea how I did on most of my May goals... it was a crazy month and I pretty much just tried to survive. I don't think I will write any official goals for June because it is again a crazy month! Maybe July will be more normal.

Run/walk for 40k I know I did even more than 40k...just not sure how many....
300 push-ups??? I was close to 300 push-ups and sit-ups but in the midst of packing that paper got thrown away so I am not sure if I actually finished or not...
300 sit-ups???

 Devos daily
 Read 4 books- I don't think I read for books... but I did read some...just can't remember the names!
 Review Thai vocab/letters daily (5-10 min)- failed this one....

Photo books- work on one of them - nope :)
Newsletter/Prayer letter- I did send an update or two, but no "official" letter...
10 blog posts  
Atlas finished (school related)
Go through room and throw stuff out- got to get pretty far on this- only have about 140lbs I can keep
Library organized and ready for the summer and next year (school related)
Cards for Seniors
Cards to middle schoolers

Roommate "date"
Overnight trip with friends
Skype calls to friends back home (3)
End of the year dinners, breakfasts, etc
Curly Girl night... I am excited to plan this and see who comes :)

I think that I did everything I NEEDED to do or were planned events...but all the extras didn't get done. There is always next month...after I finish traveling, packing and unpacking :)